威尼斯人娱乐城致力于帮助学生获得经济援助,不仅限于获得援助,还包括保留援助, 年复一年, 在意外情况发生时,了解退款的政策和分配规则.


每个学生的经济援助计划都是独一无二的. 有些可能需要填写额外的表格. 下面链接的表格是最常见的附加表格, 这里提供下载和完成.

相关验证工作表 (pdf) - 2023-2024
> 独立验证工作表 (pdf) - 2023-2024
> V-4教育目的身份声明 (pdf) - 2023-2024



The amount of financial 援助 you can receive for a semester is based on your enrollment status at the end of the drop/add period and class attendance. Federal regulations mandate that only courses required for your degree program be used in determining your enrollment status for financial 援助 purposes. 同样重要的是要注意,作为一个财政援助接受者, federal student 援助 regulations permit only one repetition (repeat) of a previously passed course in determining your enrollment status. 下面的图表反映了经济援助接受者被认为是全日制所需的最低学分, 一个学期的四分之三或一半时间.



> 全职: 最少12学时
> 3/4时间*: 最少9学时
> 中场休息: 最少6学时




> 全职: 最少6学时
> 3/4时间*: N/A
> 中场休息: 最少3小时


需要定期上课以确定您获得经济援助奖的资格. 如果确定学生出席某门课程不能由教师记录, 该学生将不会获得课程的经济资助。. 结果是, 学生的经济援助奖励将被取消或减少,以反映出勤率建立的课程. 学生将负责偿还任何他/她被认为不符合资格的经济援助. Failure to resolve the overpayment can result in your ineligibility for future financial assistance at any college or university until the overpayment is resolved.

Financial 援助 is awarded under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire academic year or semester for which financial assistance was awarded. The financial 援助 award of a student who does not enroll for a semester will be canceled and all funds returned to the applicable financial 援助 programs.


经济援助资金预计将用于支付学生完成所选专业所需的课程. A previously passed course may only be repeated once and be counted as credit in determining a student’s enrollment status (full-time, 兼职, 等.). 第二次通过一个类后的任何重复, 将不计算在学生的注册状态.


偶尔, 可能有必要退出一门课程或一个学期的所有课程. 如果有必要的话, 学生有责任通过联系注册主任提出退学申请.

如果学生没有遵循退学程序, 后续学期的助学金将被取消. It will be the student’s responsibility to contact the 金融援助 Office to request financial 援助 if he/she returns to school during the academic year for which 援助 was originally offered. 应该指出的是,财政援助的奖励将基于申请时的可用资金.

如果你在学期的60%(60%)时间点之前完全退学(正式或非正式), a refund calculation must be performed to determine the amount of financial assistance that the student earned for the portion of the semester completed. Funds received that are greater than the amount earned must be returned by 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 and the student to the financial 援助 programs funding his/her education. 如果不这样做,可能会导致学生没有资格获得未来的经济援助.

如果你在任何时候考虑放弃课程或改变你的注册状态, 在做出最终决定之前,你应该咨询经济援助办公室,以确定对你的经济援助资格的影响.



Financial 援助 funds are awarded with the expectation that the student will attend classes for the entire term for which the assistance was awarded. 学生在一个学期内退出或停止参加所有注册课程, 学生可能没有资格获得最初支付的全额经济援助. 1965年的高等教育法, 于1998年修订, requires institutions to calculate a Return to Title IV Refund and a Refund of Institutional charges when a student withdraws or otherwise ceases attendance after beginning classes. These calculations determine if the student earned all the awarded 援助 and if the student is due a refund on assessed institutional charges for the term. 第四章资金返还政策适用于联邦援助,如联邦佩尔助学金, SEOG, 斯塔福德直接贷款, 帕金斯贷款, 直接PLUS和TEACH补助金. 威尼斯人娱乐城也将同样的政策适用于州和机构的援助项目.

第四章退款只适用于开始上课后完全退出所有注册课程的学生. This policy does not apply if the student withdraws from an individual course but not all classes in a term or if the student never began class attendance.



学生有责任主动提出完全退学. The withdrawal date for refund calculation purposes will be the date the student initiated or expressed his/her intention to withdraw from all courses by notifying the Registrar. It is recommended that the student consult with the 金融援助 Office to determine the impact a withdrawal may have on future financial 援助 eligibility.

A student who receives grades of W or F in ALL classes and is determined to have ceased attendance before the end of the term will be considered an unofficial withdrawal. 在非正式撤退的情况下, 财政援助办公室将联系教师,以获得出席学术相关活动的最后日期. 退课日期将以导师记录的最后一次出勤日期或学期中点的较晚日期为准, 如果不能确定日期.



以提款日期为准, 你可能有资格获得学期费用的全部或部分退款. 商务办公室将根据学院的退款政策确定是否应退款(请参阅以下退款详情)。. 完全退课的学生可以获得本学期最高60%的退款, 哪个以公历日为单位, 不是工作日. 任何在60%点之后的提现将不会导致任何费用调整. This refund policy will not impact the Return of Title IV Refund calculation but does affect the amount of money a student may owe to the college as result of the withdrawal. 学院的学费、杂费、食宿费退款政策如下.



学费, course related fees and books purchased through the College will be refunded on a prorated basis measured by the number of calendar days the student attended up to the date of withdrawal divided by the number of days in the term. 联邦法规要求,任何五天或五天以上的休息都不包括在任期的天数中. 学期的开始日期由课程的学术日历定义, 即使学生在那天没有预定的课程, 在期末考试的最后一天结束. 停车许可、学生健康保险和考试费用不予退还. 所得的百分比用于确定大学所赚取的学杂费金额. The difference in the original refundable tuition and fees less the amount earned by 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 will be credited to the student’s account as unearned fee charges.



学生入住学校自有住房后,校内住房(房费)不予退还. 伙食费(膳食计划)按出勤日15美元的比例计算.



在完全撤退的情况下, 财政援助办公室必须计算联邦助学金的数额, 状态, 以及学生在退学之日所获得的机构经济资助. Any financial 援助 that exceeds the earned amount must be returned as unearned 援助 to the respective federal program from which it originated. 威尼斯人娱乐城和学生共同负责归还不劳而获的助学金. 该学院对获得国家和机构资助的学生实行同样的政策.

The amount of Federal 援助 earned is determined by dividing the number of calendar days the student attended prior to withdrawal by the number of calendar days in the term, 不包括任何五天或以上的休息. 学期的天数从课程的第一天开始,如课程的学术日历所示, 即使学生在新学期的第一天没有安排上课, 在期末考试的最后一天结束. (第四章退款政策适用于在学期的60%点或之前退课的学生. 因此, 如果结果百分比大于60%, 学生被认为已经获得了所有支付的援助,不需要调整经济援助计划.)如果结果百分比小于或等于60%, 该学期授予的联邦援助金额将乘以百分比,以确定获得的援助金额. The earned amount will be subtracted from the original disbursed 援助 to determine the unearned 援助 that must be returned to the applicable financial 援助 programs. The portion of the unearned 援助 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 must return is determined by multiplying the original refundable institutional fee charges by the unearned percentage. 威尼斯人娱乐城必须按照以下顺序退还由学院负责的不劳不获奖学金:

1. 无补贴直接斯塔福德贷款
2. 直接补贴斯塔福德贷款
3. 帕金斯贷款
4. 直接PLUS贷款(研究生)
5. 直接PLUS贷款(家长)
6. 联邦佩尔助学金
8. 教授予
9. 其他第四章援助
10. 国家、机构和私人援助项目
11. 学生

如果学校部分的不劳而获的援助少于总不劳而获的援助,必须返回到经济援助计划, 学生将负责退还这些资金,并支付从完全取款中产生的任何余额. The student will receive a notification from the 金融援助 Office detailing the 援助 returned by the college and any 援助 for which the student is responsible for repaying. 商务办公室将寄来一份任何到期账户的结算单.

The student portion of the Return of Title IV Aid is calculated by subtracting amount of unearned 援助 rep援助 by 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 from the total unearned 援助. 根据剩余的项目资助来源,在申请学校部分后退款, 学生部分分布如下:

如果资金必须归还给贷款计划, 当学生进入还款阶段时,学生将根据贷款计划的条款和条件偿还这些资金. 学生将不会被收取贷款资金,因为在提取时必须退还退款计算的结果.

如果资金是由于联邦拨款计划, 学生将负责偿还因助学金计划而退款的50%. 这一调整是为了减少退学对接受助学金的学生的影响. 威尼斯人娱乐城将代表学生退还这些资金, 但是学生有责任偿还学校的费用.


接受非联邦资助的学生需要归还从这些项目中获得的任何不劳而获的资助. 资金将按照以下顺序返还:

1. HOPE/泽尔·米勒奖学金
2. 佐治亚州学费均等化补助金
3. 威尼斯人娱乐城助学金/奖学金
4. 威尼斯人娱乐城学费优惠和折扣


退学会影响学生获得经济援助的资格. Financial 援助 recipients must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for continued eligibility for financial 援助 programs; a recipient of student loans may have to begin repayment on his/her Federal Loan. 如果学生未能支付所需的贷款, 学生可以进入默认, 什么使学生没有资格获得未来的经济援助. 也, 如果学生欠联邦助学金或州助学金退款, 在获得进一步的经济援助之前,必须偿还这些资金.